Exit: the Hidden Force that Shapes the Future

I left my job at Amazon to become a self-taught Data Scientist. Months later, I moved across the country with my wife, from Seattle to Raleigh, so she could enroll in Duke University’s Physician Assistant program. After the ICO Bubble popped in 2018, I invested nearly all of my disposable income into Bitcoin; I now hold vastly more of my personal wealth in Bitcoin than in Dollars.

The common thread that ties each of these seemingly different actions together is the concept of Exit. Exit is when we leave a familiar state or place to go somewhere new or different. More fundamentally, Exit is when we imagine how the future could be very different from the present and act to make it a reality.

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Thomas HepnerComment
₿itcoin is Galt’s Gulch

Frontiers matter because they are where all the action happens. Inventions and innovations have always been developed primarily at the frontiers of civilization. For Europeans living during the Renaissance Era, the frontier was the New World, America. For Americans, our frontier moved continually westward with our country’s explosive expansion from the Louisiana Territory to the West Coast. Then our frontier moved to Outer Space and once again to the virtual world of the Internet.

Bitcoin is enabling a new frontier on the Internet, a virtual Galt’s Gulch where pioneers and builders can escape to experiment and build marvelous new creations.

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Thomas Hepner Comment
How many ₿itcoins do you have?

I have multiple Bitcoin t-shirts, had a Bitcoin bumper sticker on my car for a year, own and run a Casa Bitcoin Node (you probably don’t know what this is), read obsessively about Bitcoin on #cryptotwitter, and talk about it every chance I can get with friends, family, and even coworkers. 

The question I hear from people the most about my obsession is, “How many Bitcoins do you have?” I cannot help but laugh when some of the most polite, socially considerate people I’ve ever met are essentially asking me a question that is the equivalent of, “How much money do you have in your bank account?” It could be considered rude if it were not so bizarre. 

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Thomas Hepner Comments
Radical Longevity is in our Future

Aging will be seen as no more inevitable than teenage pregnancy is today. Within 100 years, and likely far sooner, aging will cease to exist.

And you might be thinking to yourself, “That’s impossible! That cannot possibly be true! Aging is a natural part of life and cannot be stopped. Death is inevitable.”

You could not be more wrong.

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